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raised so far
of $1,000 goal
$2,321 raised by 10 fundraisers
Retz Power is fundraising for
My father Edward Gordon-Cooke (Cookie) and close family friend Warren Lukritz both passed away from motor neurone disease (MND). For those unfamiliar with MND, it is a terminal illness with no known cure that gradually causes nerve cell and muscle wasting. MND severely affects a person's ability to walk, speak, breathe and swallow, while cruelly still leaving their mind perfectly intact - effectively "trapping" those that suffer from MND in the most awful way imaginable. The average life expectancy for those diagnosed with MND is just 2 to 4 years. While ongoing research to find a cure is critical, the primary aim of the MND and Me Foundation is to ensure that no Queenslander has to face MND alone. Together we can help support those living with MND, and their families, when and where they need it most. Please help me create a community where all those living with MND receive equitable access to support services and are afforded the dignity that they deserve. Thankyou all for supporting such an important cause.
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